The Oscars

I realize this is about a week late, but you must know that I love the Oscars. They're my Super Bowl, my World Series, my...I don't know of any other big sports games.

To say I was disappointed with the nominations this year would be an understatement. Here's what I personally think should have been up for Best Picture:

Slumdog Millionaire
The Dark Knight
The Wrestler

However, I'm not in charge of the Academy. People who are a lot richer and a lot more Jewish than me are.

Regardless of my disappointment in most of the nominations, I will still say I think it was a great night. I was so glad that an actual feel good movie took home the trophy for the first time in a long time.

I loved the Oscars even more when I woke up the next morning and saw these pictures of the real 'slumdogs' of Mumbai watching the biggest night in Hollywood:

My friend David showed this to me today. I believe it is pure genius.

If you need the reference here it is:

I have a (new) blog.